A Network of Interoperable & Health Software Products and Solutions

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About Medigy

Medigy is the perfect place for FHIR® enthusiasts to share and discover dozens of the latest interoperable healthcare solutions on one convenient platform. It highlights open source and commercially available digital health software which are targeting interoperability as a core capability.

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Medigy Claim

Why Medigy?

For discovering and sharing quantitative evaluations of interoperable digital health products Spend more time in evaluating than searching for interoperable digital health products.

How it Works

You can post links to your favorite FHIR® and SMART on FHIR® products and solutions simply by registering on Medigy. ‘Name’, ‘Link’, and ‘Description’ is all that is required to post and then you choose a suitable category from our comprehensive list and you’re done.


Medigy allows users to comment, upvote and also share a GitHub report related to the application. Solutions are organized into various categories that target Clinicians, Patients, Developers, Healthcare vendors and various other stakeholders in the healthcare space.

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Unavailability Of Accurate Product Insights

Current search for Digital Health Interoperability provides only very minimal information about products.

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Not Possible To Evaluate All Related Products

Doing a product comparison is not easy in digital healthcare.

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We Usually Do Not Get A 360 View Of The Product

No platform provides a consolidated view from user, vendor, customer, and integrator conduct quantitative evaluations.

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Few Objective Sources
of Truth

Lack of quantified expectations and evaluation scores means fewer objective sources of interoperability truth.

Who We Serve

Actionable knowledge sharing requires collaboration by multiple stakeholders

Medigy will soon be available on iOS and Google Chrome extensions making it convenient to curate and search latest FHIR® solutions easier and faster.